Keyboard Product Page

Keyboard Product Page

Keyboard Product Page

Malmö Musikaffär is a first-rate store with a long history. I redesigned the product page to give it a more premium and fun feel that matches the keyboard.

I wanted to make customers more comfort-able with buying the expensive keyboard by

making the product description clearer & more legible. I also added a review video to

increase trust.

Malmö Musikaffär is a first-rate store with a long history. I redesigned the product page to give it a more premium and fun feel that matches the keyboard.

I wanted to make customers more comfort-able with buying the expensive keyboard by making the product description clearer & more legible. I also added a review video toincrease trust.

Malmö Musikaffär is a first-rate store with a long history. I redesigned the product page to give it a more premium and fun feel that matches the keyboard.

I wanted to make customers more comfort-able with buying the expensive keyboard by making the product description clearer & more legible. I also added a review video to increase trust.





Primary / Linear Gradient(#E9F2FD, #E8E9F9)

Secondary / #040622

Tertiary / Linear Gradient(#3137B1, #7F00FE)



Open Sans

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz